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The Collaborative International Dictionary
red mullet

Mullet \Mul"let\, n. [OE. molet, mulet, F. mulet, fr. L. mullus.]

  1. (Zo["o]l.) Any one of numerous fishes of the genus Mugil; -- called also gray mullets. They are found on the coasts of both continents, and are highly esteemed as food. Among the most valuable species are Mugil capito of Europe, and Mugil cephalus which occurs both on the European and American coasts.

  2. (Zo["o]l.) Any species of the genus Mullus, or family Mullid[ae]; called also red mullet, and surmullet, esp. the plain surmullet ( Mullus barbatus), and the striped surmullet ( Mullus surmulletus) of Southern Europe. The former is the mullet of the Romans. It is noted for the brilliancy of its colors. See Surmullet.

    French mullet. See Ladyfish (a) .

red mullet

n. brightly colored tropical fishes with chin barbels [syn: goatfish, surmullet, Mullus surmuletus]

Red mullet

The red mullets or surmullets are two species of goatfish, Mullus barbatus and Mullus surmuletus, found in the Mediterranean Sea, east North Atlantic Ocean, and the Black Sea. Both "red mullet" and "surmullet" can also refer to the Mullidae in general.

Usage examples of "red mullet".

Talons stretched out two by two, backward and forward, and snatched its shiny, wriggling prize, a fat red mullet.

Afterwards she is taken out to dinner by Cassandra and her film friends, and tries, in between the avocado and the red mullet, to understand her disquiet.

Dale gave the lighter to a rotting guy with a wet Ziggy Stardust red mullet, who slogged back to the pile of debris at the side of the chapel.

For example, in Australia at Forbes, New South Wales, fish -some of them weighing up to 1/2 lb - fell from the mouths of hundreds of passing pelicans on to astonished observers below, and in 1979 a golfer was struck on the head by an airborne red mullet dropped by a clumsy gull.

You might expect to have soup, a turbot of lobster and Dutch sauce, perhaps some red mullet or oysters.